External Research Opportunities
We have compiled some resources to assist students in searching for funded research experiences external to UIC. Please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list. If you think an opportunity should be added to this page, please contact us at our@uic.edu.
Chicago Area Opportunities Heading link
Cancer Undergraduate Research and Education (CURE)
CURE (Cancer Undergraduate Research and Education) is a Northwestern University undergraduate summer research program for underserved college students who are interested in pursuing careers in the biomedical sciences. For eight weeks, students will work full-time (35-40 hours/week) alongside top cancer researchers in state-of-the-art laboratories. Senior scientists act as mentors and work with CURE students on nationally funded laboratory research projects. Students are introduced to the basics of cancer biology and receive career guidance through weekly seminars presented by faculty members.
Center to Tree Science Undergraduate Research Fellowship (CTS-URF)
Students in the CTS-URF program spend ten weeks at The Morton Arboretum under the mentorship of our Research Scientists and Research Associates. The CTS-URF is designed to engage undergraduate students in the scientific process through the completion of an independent research project, falling in one of our major research areas. Research at the Center for Tree Science is focused on trees, obviously, but there are many facets to tree science. Students will have the opportunity to indicate their preference among available mentors at the Morton Arboretum. Our scientists cover a broad range of topics: basic tree biology, forest ecology, arboriculture, biomechanics, root biology, soil science, genetics, phylogenetics, systematics, conservation biology, and restoration ecology.
ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Program
The ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows program is a comprehensive learning experience for undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students at Northeastern Illinois University, University of Illinois at Chicago, Northwestern University, and City Colleges of Chicago who are planning to apply to graduate or medical school. This program is focused on the development of academic, technical, and professional skills in preparation for careers in social, behavioral, and biomedical research and in healthcare. ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows will spend the summer in seminars and research rotations learning from leading scientists. Following the summer intensive program, ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows will have the option to be matched with a research mentor and research project during the academic year.
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Internships
The Internship Program gives students direct exposure to our operations and the opportunity to make important contributions to our success. These paid, temporary-help positions often entail project management and analytical work in departments such as Banking Supervision & Regulation, Accounting, Internal Audit, Statistics, Facilities and Information Technology.
Field Museum Internships for Women in Science
Field Museum Women in Science (FMWIS) and the Women’s Board are proud to offer the Women in Science Internships. This program aims to build a foundation and set the standard for diversity across the museum and within the sciences through student internships. Interns work in departments throughout the museum. They gain knowledge and experience in the sciences by engaging in collections-based research and communicating science to a broader community. The program hosts five high school and five undergraduate paid interns for six weeks in the summer each year.
Katz and Manne Research Institute Summer Scholars Program
Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital is pleased to announce the Katz and Manne Research Institute Summer Scholars Program. The program is designed to provide undergraduates summer experiences in research related to childhood health and disease. Summer Scholars spend eight or more weeks working daily with their faculty mentor and research team while learning about scientific presentations and careers in science from participating faculty members.
Newberry Undergraduate Library Seminar
This seminar is a unique opportunity for Chicago area undergraduates to explore the humanities at one of America’s foremost research libraries. Taught by a team of instructors from sponsoring universities, the seminar is offered each year from January to May and carries the credit of two courses. Seminar topics change each year, but all are related to the Newberry’s holdings. Each class is limited to 20 participants who pursue common assignments and individual research projects.
Pritzker School of Medicine Experience in Research (PSOMER)
An eight-week residential research, education, and mentoring experience at the University of Chicago. Participants in the program are rising college seniors or students rising into a post baccalaureate program.
Rush Summer Research Scholars Program
Are you interested in pursuing a career in medicine? Spend six weeks at Rush University Medical Center conducting research in a vibrant academic medical environment in the heart of Chicago as part of the Rush Summer Research Scholars Program, or RSRSP.
Shedd Aquarium Research and Evaluation Volunteers
This position is ideal for those with an interest in research and evaluation, museum studies, sociology, psychology, anthropology, education and learning sciences as well as for those who want to gain practical applied social science research skills. Research and Evaluation volunteers are at the heart of providing a better understanding of the experience of our diverse audiences: who they are, why they come, what engages them, what they learn and how they connect to Shedd. R&E volunteers should be enthusiastic about interacting with our guests and learning about how we collect and use data.
Summer Internships Available at Simmons Cancer Institute
College students interested in a career in medicine or cancer research are invited to apply for one of four internships at Simmons Cancer Institute (SCI) at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Interns will have the opportunity to learn laboratory and critical thinking skills while immersed in research labs under the supervision of SCI faculty members. Three intern positions are located at the School of Medicine campus in Springfield. The fourth position is located at the SIU Carbondale campus.
Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) at Northwestern
The Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is an eight-week competitive research experience at Northwestern University for sophomores and juniors from colleges and universities across the United States. All fields of research at Northwestern are open to SROP participants including the social sciences and humanities, physical sciences, chemical and biological sciences, technology, math and engineering fields.
National Opportunities Heading link
Adobe Research Scholarship
Adobe Research creates innovative technologies for software products to better serve consumers, creative professionals, developers, and enterprises. They bring together the smartest, most driven people we can find, and give them the freedom to nurture their intellectual curiosity, while providing them the necessary resources and support to shape their ideas into tangible results. One part of creating the best products is bringing a diverse group of people together. To bring more gender diversity to the technology industry, Adobe is pleased to invite applications to the Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship. The Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship recognizes outstanding undergraduate female students anywhere in the world who are studying computer science.
American Anthropological Association Internships
Internships offer invaluable opportunities to gain experience in your chosen field. Following are links to institutions that offer internships for aspiring anthropologists. However, don’t be afraid to veer of the beaten path and consider internships that are non-traditional for anthropology students. As the following example, provided by Douglas Hume (Northern Kentucky University), shows, anthropology students not only gain experience through internship, but bring valuable insight to different jobs.
American Psychological Association Undergraduate Research Grants
The purpose of this program is to provide funds for members to defray the cost of conducting a research project. Applicants may request up to $1,500 for each project. All graduate Psi Chi members are eligible to apply for these graduate research grants.
Amgen Scholars Program
Each summer hundreds of undergraduates step into some of the world’s premier research universities and institutions to participate in the Amgen Scholars Program. Students conduct hands-on research in the lab alongside top faculty, participate in seminars and networking events, and take part in symposia with their peers and leading scientists.
Biostatistics Summer Enrichment Training Program (BEST)
The Biostatistics Epidemiology Summer Training Diversity Program (BEST) was established to expand and diversify the behavioral and biomedical sciences’ workforce by introducing undergraduates from underrepresented populations to biostatistics and cardiovascular and pulmonary disease research. Students representing racial and ethnic minority groups, disadvantaged backgrounds, and students with disabilities join the Department of Biostatistics at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health’s for eight weeks of research, training, academic and career planning, and social activities around New York City.
Brooke Owens Fellowship Program
Created to honor the legacy of a beloved space industry pioneer and accomplished pilot, Dawn Brooke Owens (1980 – 2016), the Brooke Owens Fellowship Program is designed to serve both as an inspiration and as a career boost to capable young women who, like Brooke, aspire to explore our sky and stars, to shake up the aerospace industry, and to help their fellow men and women here on planet Earth. We do this by matching thirty-six extraordinary women per year with purpose-driven, paid internships at leading aviation and space companies and organizations and with senior and executive level mentors.
Carnegie Science Center Internship Programs
A comprehensive list of internships are available during the fall, spring, and summer at the Carnegie Science Center. Internships are available in several different departments at within the center. The Carnegie Science Center is open to highly motivated students are seeking specific learning opportunities.
Cary Institute’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program
An NSF-funded program emphasizes the community nature of the scientific enterprise, fosters reflection and builds self-confidence and skills. To complement their mentored research, students have many chances to interact, give and receive feedback and support, and participate in a rich assortment of enrichment activities, workshops and field trips around the theme of translational ecology.
Citizen Science Research Experiences for Undergraduates
We are looking forward to hosting a group of at least 4-6 outstanding undergraduate students from across the country in summer 2019 in Belize and in Orlando, Florida. We emphasize engaged, community-based research while also preparing students for future academic and non-academic careers in GIS, geospatial technologies, geography, sociology, geosciences, education, community development, public health, and land use planning. Please note that this year’s program will be smaller and will only focus on the drones and spatial storytelling track.
Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Psychology Division
Each year, the CUR Psychology Division offers a limited number of travel awards (up to $200 each) for undergraduate students presenting original psychological research results at a regional or national, discipline-specific meeting.
Customer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Pathways Internship—Student Trainee
This position is located in the CFPB. You will serve as a student trainee receiving on-the-job training in technical aspects of CFPB’s work. You may be assigned to various organizations within CFPB and will perform assignments under the close supervision of a higher level analyst.
Department of Energy Scholars Program
The DOE Scholars Program may offer multiple opportunities during the year to accommodate the needs and schedule of individual sponsoring offices.
Gates Center Summer Internship Program (GSIP)
The Gates Center Summer Internship Program (GSIP) encourages outstanding undergraduates to consider careers in biomedical research in an academic or industry setting by providing state-of-the-art training opportunities at the Gates Center.
Gateways to the Laboratory Summer Program in New York City
For students who wish to pursue an MD-PhD degree. 10 weeks of independent research, participation in journal clubs, surgery viewings, $4,300 stipend, and mentorship by a current MD-PhD student.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The HSF Scholarship is designed to assist students of Hispanic heritage obtain a university degree. Scholarships are available, on a competitive basis.
Homeland Security Student Research Experience
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate Office of University Programs sponsors the Professional Opportunities for Student Workforce to Experience Research (HS-POWER) Program for undergraduate and graduate research students. HS-POWER is open to students majoring in a broad spectrum of homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines as well as DHS mission relevant research areas.
As a participant in the HS-POWER Program, you will participate in quality research experiences with federal research facilities and other HS-STEM focused entities nationwide either onsite or in a virtual environment. This experience will provide you with a competitive edge as you apply your education, talent and skills in a variety of settings within the DHS enterprise. You will also establish connections with DHS professionals that facilitate long-term relationships between yourself, researchers, DHS personnel and research facilities.
Integrated Biological Sciences Summer Research Program at UW-Madison
SIGNALS is designed to be accessible to rising juniors and seniors who might not otherwise have this kind of undergraduate opportunity. There is no cost for program participation. In addition, a stipend is provided to each student, and housing and travel costs are covered. Underrepresented minority, low-income, and first-generation college students are strongly encouraged to apply, as are students from smaller institutions without broad research facilities. Program participants live close to campus and perform full-time research for 10 weeks within a discipline-based research group led by a faculty member. A seminar series taken alongside allows participants to learn from each other’s experiences and contextualize their research projects within the overarching theme of biological information flow, storage, and exchange. Additional events and activities build community, support career and graduate school exploration, and help students build useful skills, such as science writing. Students present their projects at a final symposium and write research reports to summarize their findings
Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Program
The Janelia Undergraduate Scholars program is a 10-week summer program aimed at well-prepared, independent, and committed students with significant research experience. We accept undergraduates and masters students from around the world who have not committed to a PhD program. Participants must be actively enrolled as a student during the period of the Janelia Undergraduate Scholars program. Janelia undergraduate scholars are dedicated future scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who are interested in exploring behavioral and systems neuroscience, biosensor development, cellular & molecular neuroscience, and evolution & genetics.
John’s Hopkins University’s List of Pre-Health Summer Opportunities
There are many exciting summer opportunities in health-related fields. Most programs have application deadlines in January, February, and March. Below are links to a large number of schools and programs that offer summer research and internship opportunities to undergraduates:
Michigan Health Sciences Career Development Academy
The Michigan Health Sciences Career Development Academy is committed to exposing and preparing students for medical school in a diverse and inclusive environment. The CDA is designed for rising junior and senior undergraduates or recent graduates of an accredited college or university. In particular, the program focuses on preparing participants for the extensive process of applying and gaining admission into medical school.
Michigan Health Sciences Undergraduate Research Academy
The Michigan Health Sciences Undergraduate Research Academy (MHSURA) is designed for undergraduate students who want to explore biomedical research and health professional career pathways in a stimulating and inclusive environment.
Michigan State University Scholarship List
MSU Libraries is a member of the Foundation Center’s Funding Information Network (FIN). The Foundation Center is a national nonprofit service organization recognized as the nation’s leading authority on organized philanthropy. FIN Partner Libraries provide access to and/or training in using the Center’s premier database for identifying grant opportunities and potential funders, the Foundation Directory Online Professional, described below. To identify other partner libraries closer to home, consult the Foundation Center’s Directory of Funding Information Network Partner Libraries.
Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program is a 10-week summer research fellowship for undergraduate and graduate students in STEM majors. Participants complete a cutting-edge research project at one of the Department’s National Laboratories or DOE Headquarters in support of the Department’s mission to minimize the environmental impacts of energy resource recovery and use while working towards net-zero emissions.
The mission of the MLEF program is to strengthen a diverse pipeline of future STEM professionals, and this program has mentored nearly 1000 of the best and brightest students from across the nation for future careers in the STEM workforce. All eligible candidates are encouraged to apply. As a MLEF participant, you will train under the mentorship of scientists and engineers while completing a mission-focused research project. During the 10-week appointment, you will receive a weekly stipend, and may be eligible for housing and travel allowances. You will also gain insight into how the Department of Energy is working toward an equitable and clean energy future.
Middlebury Language Schools
In the summer of 2020, the Middlebury Language Schools will offer scholarships for students enrolled at Historically Black Colleges, Tribal Colleges, and Hispanic Serving Institutions. Recipients of these scholarships will receive funding to cover the comprehensive fee (tuition, room & board) for one summer of language study.
Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cell Signaling
The MBG-REU program is a NSF-funded, ten-week summer program with a strong focus on diversity. The program aims to provide cutting edge summer research training experiences for ten undergraduates in the broadly defined area of cell signaling. Through intensive research and a series of organized activities, participants will be exposed to world-class research environments, with the aim of broadening their understanding and appreciation of research. Participants will also have opportunities to interact with other summer students at Cornell, and enjoy the beautiful scenery and waterfalls in Ithaca, New York. Successful participants will receive a stipend of $5,500 for the summer and will be housed in one of the modern dorms on Cornell’s west campus. Housing will be provided, along with a meal allowance and a bus pass for transportation on campus and into town. A travel budget to and from Ithaca will also be provided.
National Institutes of Health Research Training Grants
Provides individual research training opportunities (including international) to trainees at the undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels.
National Science Foundation
The following programs provide either direct (i.e., from NSF) or indirect (i.e., from an awardee institution) funding for students at this level or identify programs that focus on educational developments for this group such as curricula development, training or retention.
Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP)
Appointments are available for a variety of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines at participating DOE facilities nationwide.
Nebraska Summer Research Program
This 10-week residential summer research program provides mentoring and research experiences while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life. Students with a strong interest in graduate programs are particularly encouraged to apply.
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program
Participants in the SURF program work in an active research laboratory under the guidance of a faculty member with the goal of exposing students to the challenges, excitement and satisfaction of research. Selection is based on academic records and the appropriateness of the applicant’s scientific interests. Students about to begin their senior year of college studies are preferred, but promising juniors and recent graduates will be considered. Participants are provided with room, board, a modest living allowance and up to $350 travel reimbursement. Six undergraduate credit hours in biology are also available tuition-free to all program participants. In addition, those program participants who meet minimum requirements for admission to the Heritage College, including having taken the MCAT, will be offered an opportunity to interview during the summer for a place in the entering class of 2020.
Pediatric Oncology Education Program
The Pediatric Oncology Education program at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is funded by the National Institutes of Health / National Cancer Institute. The POE program offers a unique opportunity for students preparing for careers in the biomedical sciences, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, or public health to gain biomedical and oncology research experience. The POE program provides a short-term training experience (internship) in either laboratory research or clinical research.
Pfizer Summer Student Worker Program
Each summer, college and university students join Pfizer as part of our Summer Student Worker Program. The program, which offers summer employment opportunities at various Pfizer sites in the U.S., is designed to help Pfizer businesses and teams accomplish real, impactful projects, while giving students engaging and meaningful work experience. All Pfizer businesses and supporting divisions accept summer student workers, and Pfizer works to match students with the department or team that most closely matches their future career interests. During the summer, students will receive challenging work assignments, have the opportunity to collaborate with Pfizer colleagues at all levels of the organization and experience Pfizer’s culture firsthand.
Psi Chi Undergrad Awards and Grants
Psi Chi offers a variety of awards and grants to undergraduate members. We encourage you to apply for multiple grants and awards throughout your college career because you will learn from the process. Each time you complete an application, you will gain experience and insight.
Reproductive Rights Activist Service Corps (RRASC) Summer Internship
RRASC is a paid summer internship program that places undergraduate students from around the country at reproductive rights and social justice organizations for ten-week summer internships. The RRASC program defines reproductive rights broadly to include movements advocating for human rights, economic justice, racial equality, queer rights, immigrants’ rights, access to health services, and youth empowerment among others. Our partner organizations span the country and work with and for various communities. Since our program started in 1999, CLPP has placed over 350 interns at more than 100 organizations. RRASC internships are substantive with interns participating in organizing, advocacy, direct service, community health, education, research, public policy and more. All interns receive a $3,300 stipend and complete an intensive internship training at the annual CLPP conference.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation. REU projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the REU program.
Science Mathematics and Research for Transformation Scholarships
The SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program was established as a concentrated effort to enhance the Department of Defense (DoD) workforce with talented, innovative and brilliant scientists, engineers and researchers. For over a decade, SMART Scholars have been working within labs and agencies of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Additional DoD to support the warfighter and create an impact to secure our nation.
Summer in Biomedical Science (SIBS) Undergraduate Research Program at the University of Alabama Birmingham
8 week program that provides the opportunity for young people to be instructed in the techniques of modern biology while becoming integrated members of a vibrant clinical and scientific community. Stipend and housing provided.
Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research (SIP)
Summer programs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide an opportunity to spend a summer working at the NIH side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world, in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research (At the NIH “biomedical sciences” includes everything from behavioral and social sciences, through biology and chemistry, to physics, mathematical modeling, computational biology, and biostatistics). The NIH consists of the 240-bed Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center and more than 1150 laboratories/research groups located on the main campus in Bethesda, MD, and the surrounding area as well as in Baltimore and Frederick, MD; Research Triangle Park, NC; Hamilton, MT; Framingham, MA; Phoenix, AZ; and Detroit, MI. NOTE: the number of positions in Hamilton, Framingham, Phoenix, and Detroit is limited.
Summer Public Health Scholars Program (SPHSP)
The program is designed for undergraduates going into their junior or senior year and recent baccalaureate degree students who are undecided about their career goals. This is a rigorous program which includes Public Health course work at Columbia University; hands-on field experience and immersion in a diverse, economically disadvantaged urban environment; seminars and lectures with public health leaders; and mentoring by faculty members, ensuring students’ exposure to the breadth and importance of public health as a career option.
Summer Research Fellowships by Endocrine Society
The Endocrine Society offers Summer Research Fellowships to encourage promising undergraduate students, medical students, and first year graduate school students to pursue careers in endocrinology. The Society provides a stipend to each award recipient to participate in research projects under the guidance of a Society member for 8 to 12 weeks during the summer.
Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP)
The Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) is a gateway to graduate education at Big Ten Academic Alliance universities. The goal of the program is to increase the number of underrepresented students who pursue graduate study and research careers. SROP helps prepare undergraduates for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors and enrichment activities.
SURE (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience)
A 10- to 12-week experience with a flexible starting date to accommodate your academic schedule. SURE provides valuable hands-on research experience to undergraduate students who are interested in exploring their career options in the field of biomedical science. Students and mentors are matched based on a student’s educational and laboratory experience, as well as shared interests. While no housing allowance is provided, a $2,500 stipend is awarded to successful applicants who are rising sophomores, juniors or seniors and U.S. citizens.
Summer Undergraduate Research Programs by the Association of American Medical Colleges
Listing of summer programs for undergraduates interested in pursuing careers in medical research. Please contact programs directly regarding summer research opportunities.
The Higher Education Research Experiences (HERE) at ORNL
The HERE program includes research participation programs for both faculty and students at various academic levels, including undergraduate students of all levels, graduate students, and Faculty. Learn more about the program on their website, and select the academic level that most closely corresponds to your highest level achieved.
The Point Foundation Scholarship
The Point Community College Program inspires LGBTQ community college students to fulfill their ambitions of attending a four-year college or university. Students accepted into the program will receive between $3,700-$5,000 in tuition scholarship, admissions counseling, coaching and financial education at the Point Community College Transfer Symposium in Los Angeles, and access to the Point Foundation network of LGBTQ scholars, more than 300 alumni, and many others dedicated to seeing LGBTQ students succeed.
UC San Francisco Summer Research Training Program
Students selected for summer research at UC San Francisco spend up to ten weeks working with UCSF faculty members on research projects. Participants in the program take part in seminars, lectures, and social events, creating a cohesive and supportive community. At the end of the program, students give presentations of their research and get valuable feedback from students, postdocs, and faculty at UCSF.
UNMC Summer Undergraduate Research Program
The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) is an academic health science center with a major focus on research. The UNMC Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) is a collaboration between UNMC departments, institutes, colleges, student services, and graduate specialty areas to provide summer opportunities for undergraduate students to become members of research teams and discover first-hand the broad spectrum of research activities occurring at UNMC.
University of Michigan Summer Enrichment Program (UM SEP)
Each summer, 18-25 undergraduate students from across the country come to Ann Arbor for eight weeks of education, mentoring, internships with health care organizations in Southeast Michigan, and preparation for graduate school success. Since the program’s inception in 1986, more than 90% of its participants have completed graduate study in public health, medicine, health sciences, and business. Most alumni have gone on to successful careers in public health and healthcare management, with many holding senior management positions in health systems, hospitals, community health centers, health policy organizations, and numerous other health enterprises.
University of Pittsburgh Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL)
The mission of HERL is to continuously improve the mobility and function of people with disabilities through advanced engineering in clinical research and medical rehabilitation. The ASPIRE REU program is designed to promote greater involvement and understanding of Rehabilitation Engineering and assistive technology – while fostering an understanding of the problems faced by individuals with disabilities.
Vanderbilt Summer Science Academy
Vanderbilt University has a longstanding tradition of training undergraduates in the biomedical Sciences through summer research programs. In 2003, the Office of Biomedical Research Education and Training (BRET) established the Vanderbilt Summer Science Academy (VSSA) to bring together all undergraduates conducting biomedical research at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. We host approximately 70 students each summer from institutions across the country.
Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise
The Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise were established in 2009 as a complement to the Vilcek Prizes, to encourage and support emerging to mid-career immigrant artists and scientists who have demonstrated exceptional achievements early in their careers. As with the Vilcek Prizes, the Creative Promise Prizes are awarded annually in biomedical science and in a rotating category of the arts.
International Opportunities Heading link
DAAD German Studies Research Grant
This specialized DAAD program offers German Studies Research Grants to highly-qualified undergraduate and graduate students who are nominated by their department/program chairs. The grant may be used for short-term research (one to two months) in Germany. The program is designed to encourage research and promote the study of cultural, political, historical, economic and social aspects of modern and contemporary German affairs from an inter- and multidisciplinary perspective.
Diversity Abroad
List of scholarships for studying abroad.
Euro Scholars Program
EuroScholars is a unique research abroad program designed for advanced and talented undergraduate students from US and Canadian institutions looking for an international research experience. The EuroScholars Program offers these students to conduct research at one of the 9 internationally renowned European Research Universities. In this program, students have the opportunity to undertake one or two courses in the classroom and then work under the direct supervision of professors and other academic staff on a specific academic research project chosen by both the student and the faculty. There is an abundance of academic research projects in a variety of fields to choose from within the participating Universities.
Fullbright UK
The US-UK Fulbright Commission offers special Summer Institutes for US citizens to come to the UK. These summer programs provide the opportunity for US undergraduates (aged over 18), with at least two years of undergraduate study left to complete, to come to the UK on a three, four, five or six week academic and cultural summer programs. Participants in these programs will get the opportunity to experience an exciting academic program at a highly regarded UK University, explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK and develop their academic ability by improving presentation, research and communication skills.
Gilman International Study Abroad Scholarship
The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a grant program that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity. The Institute of International Education has administered the program since its inception in 2001.
Humanity in Action Fellowship
Intensive and demanding, the Humanity in Action Fellowship brings together international groups of university students and recent graduates to explore national histories of discrimination and resistance, as well as examples of issues affecting different minority groups today. Each program is highly interdisciplinary and features daily lectures and discussions with renowned academics, journalists, politicians and activists, as well as site visits to government agencies, non-profit and community organizations, museums and memorials. The programs seek to highlight different models of action to remedy injustice.
McGill Summer Engineer Program
The Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering (SURE) program offers summer research traineeships valued at a minimum of $5,625. SURE students work closely with a McGill Engineering professor on one of their research projects for 16 weeks in the summer. The program provides exposure to the research experience as well as opportunities to learn more about the graduate school experience and about careers in research.
Study and Internship Opportunities in Germany (UAS7)
UAS7 is an alliance of seven leading universities of applied sciences (UAS) in Germany, recognized for their excellence in teaching, their strong professional and international orientation and their focus on applied research. Each UAS7 program has its own eligibility requirements. Requirements common to all programs include: Currently enrolled in a degree program at an accredited U.S. or Canadian college or university Strong academic record; demonstrated preparation for the proposed program of study and/or internship.
Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE) Germany
RISE Germany is a summer internship program for undergraduate students from the United States, Canada and the UK in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering and computer science. RISE Germany offers unique opportunities for bachelor degree students to work with research groups at universities and top research institutions across Germany for a period of two to three months during the summer. RISE interns are matched with doctoral students whom they assist and who serve as their mentors. The working language is English. All scholarship holders receive stipends from the DAAD to help cover living expenses.